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Doa untuk Perjalanan Apostolik Paus Fransiskus ke Indonesia

Tren | 1 Juli 2024, 23:05 WIB
Paus Fransiskus saat Misa malam Natal di Gereja Basilika, Vatikan, Minggu (24/12/2023). (Sumber: AP Photo/Gregorio Borgia, FILE)

O God, fount of charity,
we give you thanks
for the Apostolic Journey of Pope Francis to Indonesia.
Grant, we pray, that this Journey
may deepen and perfect our faith
strengthen our fraternity in diversity,
and fill us with compassion
for our brothers and sisters
who are poor, weak, marginalized and suffering.
We beseech you, O Lord,
grant good health to the Holy Father
so that his visit may be a blessing
for the Church and for the nation of Indonesia.
May his presence bring us the joy of the Gospel
and renew our hope, that we may promote harmony,
peace and the common good.

Baca Juga: Paus Fransiskus Akan Lakukan Kunjungan Apostolik ke Indonesia, Apa Saja Agendanya?

Through the intercession of
the Blessed Virgin Mary, our Mother and model of faith,
and of Saint Joseph, her most-chaste spouse,
we entrust all those involved
in the preparation and realization
of this Apostolic Journey to your loving care and direction.
Through Christ, our Lord. Amen.

Penulis : Ade Indra Kusuma Editor : Desy-Afrianti

Sumber : Kompas TV