Kompas TV feature inspirasi musik

Ardhito Pramono - The Bitterlove

Kompas.tv - 15 Agustus 2021, 19:37 WIB
Penulis : Luthfan

KOMPAS.TV - Ardhito Pramono dengan lagu The Bitterlove tayang pada tanggal 10 Oktober 2018.


There is bitter in everyday
But then I feel it
That you would be the only one
Sometimes it doesn't have to be so sure
The sweetest love can be so hard to find

We'll be better in every way
But then I would go to be in other space
Sometimes, the bitter of love can be so good
It's like a coffee with a rainbow's mood

Sometimes you feel off but sometimes you feel it right
Is it to be, or it is not to be
To fall in love again, to be the one for me
Sometimes you fall, but there'll be time we'll be together

We'll be mad in every way
Then I remember, the store we went last September
Sometimes, recalling things would be so good
It's like perfect cake, that my grandma's made

Sometimes you feel off but sometimes you feeling right
Is it to be, or it is not to be
To fall in love again, to be the one for me
Sometimes you fall, but there'll be time we'll be with together

We'll be better, in every way
But then I would, go to be in other space
Sometimes, the bitter of love can be so good
It's like a coffee with a rainbow
It's like a coffee with a rainbow
It's like a coffee with a rainbow's mood

With a rainbow's mood

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