Kompas TV feature inspirasi musik

Endah N Rhesa - Wish You Were Here (Live at Rooftop Gigs)

Kompas.tv - 13 Februari 2020, 12:33 WIB
Penulis : Dian Septina

Duo grup Endah N Rhesa sukses tampil menghibur di acara Rooftop Gigs di Menara Kompas, Palmerah Selatan, Jakarta Pusat, Selasa (4/2/2020). Duo yang juga merupakan pasangan suami-istri ini membagikan banyak kemeriahan selama penampilan. 

Baca Juga: Endah N Rhesa - Liburan Indie (Live at Rooftop Gigs)

Berikut lirik lagu Wish You Were Here:

I always be here waiting for you come in back home

I keep our flowers grow, since we planted the seed many years ago

And I stare at the moon and hope we'll meet there, hope we'll meet there?

'Cause I miss you

I wish you were here

I know it's hard for you to stay and so I let you go

But you promised to never let me down and said that you love me so

And I stare at the moon and hope we'll meet there, hope we'll meet there

'Cause I miss you?

I wish you were here

Make your dreams fulfilled,

And don't forget to take me with you someday

Baca Juga: Endah N Rhesa - When You Love Someone (Live at Rooftop Gigs)

Tak hanya menyanyikan lagu-lagu andalan, Endah N Rhesa juga bercerita tentang perjalanan mereka yang dirangkum dalam sebuah buku berjudul I'm All Ears.

Rooftop Gigs merupakan program live session kolaborasi HAI dengan Kompas TV, dan didukung oleh KG Media.

Rooftop Gigs menawarkan keintiman antara musisi dengan penggemar, ditambah kejutan lainnya.

#EndahNRhesa #RooftopGigs #EndahNRhesaLive

Sumber : Kompas TV



La Donna in Rosso

17 Februari 2025, 02:15 WIB


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